a 14-day life reset

with the wellness place

Ready to help yourself feel better?


Next Reset Begins Soon!

Focus for August 2024: Rest & Renew

If you know you are in already, click on the “Get on the List” button.

Watch for the follow up email – it will outline your next steps.

Specifically, do any of these get you excited?

Lose weight?

Experience less joint pain?

Sleep more deeply?

Have more energy?

Better focus?

Reduced bloating?

Improved GI issues: constipation, diarrhea, reflux?

These could be signs of systemic inflammation,
and it’s time to do something about it!

Our “S I M P L Y :: Clean” event is for you!

Our focus during SIMPLY :: clean: Reducing inflammation:

And there are 4 main causes of inflammation – and we can impact all of them!


Foods common in a modern diet cause inflammation. AND there are many anti-inflammatory foods.


Stress is a major contributor to systemic inflammation AND most of us don’t really know how to actually relax the nervous system.


So many of us are sleep-deprived which adds to stress and inflammation.


Toxins found in our everyday life – think household products such as cleaners, personal care products, etc.

Specifically, the cleanse steps are:

  • DRINK NINGXIA RED: The super food, anti-inflammatory juice from our brand partner, Young Living.
  • FOODS: Simple dietary shifts from inflammatory foods to more anti-inflammatory. We provide the meal plans to keep it simple.
  • MOVEMENT: Simply adding some steps into each day.
  • RELAXATION: Intentional relaxation every day.
  • DEEPER SLEEP: If you need better sleep, you’ll create a bedtime routine to help!
  • HYDRATE: Drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day.

We provide preparation, tracking forms, menu ideas, shopping list, and more!

PLUS: Each month we have a FOCUS

In August 2024, we will focus on REST & RENEW so we will be adding additional support to help you get deeper, higher quality sleep.

Good sleep is so crucial.

When we are well-rested, our bodies function better and we have the energy to do more of the things that are so good for us!

Laura here…

Look, I’m NOT one to tout most weight loss methods. If you know me, you know I am all about simply maintaining healthy habits. I have always been active and maintained my weight pretty well.

BUT then 2021 hit – and there was much chaos in my home. I gained about 20 pounds in what felt like overnight, began experiencing really challenging sleep issues and just felt “off”. Then everything I tried to lose the weight did not work (and trust me when I say I know what I need to do!)

Add to that, I do not have the bandwidth for anything extreme – at my age I feel “Ain’t got time for that!”

This cleanse has been a blessing! I lost 4 pounds the first round and 3 more the second. This before and after was from two rounds – and no deprivation. In fact, I felt better than ever DURING the reset!

Biggest mistake we make:
Thinking we will do it “some day”.

If not now, when?

If not this, what?

How many more days/weeks/years need to pass?

Our event is all about taking a holistic approach to wellness and includes steps for reducing systemic inflammation in your body.

Specifically, this program will help you reduce systemic inflammation and it will help you incorporate healthier habits so when we are done, you can actually MAINTAIN the changes.

There are no weird diet things and you won’t go hungry. We will also share more educational experiences during the cleanse – got lots of stress? We can help. Struggle with sleep issues? We will help!

Check out MORE results!

It’s not just about weight loss – when you are working on reducing inflammation, many issues will get better!


BUT the weightloss IS a major benefit! 🙂

We want to help you with a LIFESTYLE REBOOT,

something that helps you shift your daily habits into healthier living.

All You Need: Ningxia Red + Products for the Focus


Ningxia Red

Ningxia Red is the central character of SIMPLY :: clean, a 14-day reset.
It is a tasty, superfood, goji berry drink – we all drink this every day!

Actually, we used to drink just 2 oz a day, which was great, but when we started drinking more for this Reset, we realized how truly amazing it is!

As one of our peeps said, “We’ve had this liquid gold at our fingertips but didn’t know it!

A recent, clinical, research study revealed Ningxia Red is shown to:

    • 23% reduction of stress
    • 35% increase in physical energy
    • Clinically shown to reduce inflammation
    • 27% reduction in headaches, gastrointestinal and sleep issues
    • 36% reduction in physical limitations
    • Clinically shown to support respiratory health

You can find the study on Pubmed, too.

Supplements for the Focus: Deep Sleep

Deep Night Essence

Super Magnesium

How to Join Us:

It takes just 2 quick steps!

SIMPLY :: the wellness place

Order Rest & Renew Reset Kit

For the best deal: 

New customers:

  • Purchase the Rest & Renew Reset Kit. (It contains all three products)
  • Use Discount code: ShareYL to save an extra 10%.
  • Place your order as a Loyalty Rewards order to get a free gift and extra benefits!

Returning customers:

  • Purchase the Make a Shift Reset Kit in your Loyalty Rewards.
  • Order Deep Night Essence & Super Magnesium as a Shop order. (Because they are new products, they aren’t yet available for Loyalty Rewards. They may be available on LR starting August 1. If you place your order on August 1, you should have your products on time!)
SIMPLY :: the wellness place

Let Us Know You are In!

Email Us

You need to let us know you are in – we tap you into the resources by hand. (So give us a couple of days. 🙂 )

Reply to any email we sent out or just email us directly: Yes [at] SimplyTWP [dot] com.


If you are brand new to Young Living, placing your order through this link will also give you a year-long membership to our wellness community. It’s a good thing! You can check out benefits here.