Welcome to Young Living and your private community:
S I M P L Y :: the wellness place
We so enjoy getting helping you get the most out of your investment and look forward to helping you achieve your wellness goals!
Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine, a notebook to take notes and snuggle in to enjoy these Getting Started videos. Most are under 5 minutes (except the Box Openings) and you will feel much more prepared to fully enjoy the Young Living Lifestyle once you are done.
When you are ready to order:
If you haven’t ordered yet, when you are ready to, here are a few things to keep in mind:
- While you can order anything to get started, we recommend the Make a Shift Kits for your first step. They are a great deal and a great starting place. Find out more about them here: Make a Shift Kits. You will also find great info on that page for how to order, etc.
- Be sure you log into the account you already set up with Young Living so you can continue to enjoy our resources. You can use this form to help you track that information: My Young Living Info Form.
- We are always here to help you! Just let us know if you need any support. Message your Personal Wellness Concierge OR email us at: YES [at] gmail [dot] com.
Link below to order.
You can choose one of the kits or order whatever you want.
Be sure to use code “ShareYL” to save 10%!
- You can get it here: SIMPLY :: the wellness blueprint bundle
- Find the podcast: SIMPLY :: the wellness podcast
And be sure to check these resources for you:
- Facebook Community: For challenges, educational events, giveawaways, connection and more! Check the guides (in the menu). So much great info there for you!)
- OilyU: For EVERYTHING you ever needed to know. 🙂 It is a membership site that is free for you, so reach out to your enroller to get access.
Next steps, if you want special topics:
- Oily U: Member Resources : You will need your FREE membership to Oily U for this page. Get the link from the person who invited you into our community.
Box Opening Party!
Let us help you ensure you get the most use out of all of your products!
If you chose a Premium Starter Bundle, choose the video that corresponds to the bundle you purchased to learn more.
Essential Oil Starter Kit
Kit Extras
Be sure to pull our the book included with your kit – so helpful!
It’s here, if you want it in a digital format: Getting Started with your Oils.
Be sure to check out the video below to learn how to use your diffuser correctly.
How to use Your Diffuser
Thieves Starter Kit
Kit Extras
You might enjoy downloading this for yourself: 21 Ways to use Thieves Cleaner
Enjoy our course: Switch to Safer.
Ningxia Red Starter Kit
Kit Extras
Read more about Ningxia Red on Young Living’s website: Ningxia Red.
Our Favorites!
You got started! Congratulations! Now what? Here are a few videos with some of our very favorite products to get you thinking about your next steps.
Ningxia Red
(Looking for energy, focus, total body wellness?)

Top 10 Faves
(You are gonna LOVE this!)
How to Save Money
Let’s talk ways to save money as you begin to enjoy Young Living more and more!
Loyalty Rewards (LR)
Monthly Free Gifts!
Virtual Office (VO) Tips
So many great resources in your Virtual Office!
Tour Your Back Office
What is PV Assistant?
When you set up Loyalty Rewards, you want to be sure you have a 50pv order. Sometimes products can go out of stock just before your order processes and you end up short of where you want to be. PV Assistant is a free way to protect your order.
Setting Up PV Assistant
Using Your Oils
How to enjoy your oils and use them safely!
Link to Suggested Oil Supplies
Here is our Amazon store.
It is an affiliate store so when you purchase through it, we do receive a little income. We always use it to pay for treats for our community!
Sharing with Others
Learn the benefits of sharing with even one person.
Home Business Opportunity
Find out more about the income potential of a Young Living business: Income Disclosure.
Find Your Referral Link
Referral Link Image