how to easily share…
Here’s a “QuickShare” idea for you!
Post a bit on FB/IG or Text your mom/sibling/BFF/friend/coworker.
Right now… why hesitate?
Here are a few ideas of what you might want to say (and grab the photos on this page to help you with your share!)
— Okay, kind of excited, just decided to learn about essential oils. I’m ready to chuck ALL the toxic products out of my house and feel more vibrant!
— Anyone else worried about toxic products in their home? I am just beginning my journey to clean my home up – want to join me?
–So ready for more wellness & energy! Excited to be starting now. I think I am most looking forward to trying [insert your product here].
— I did it! I am starting the essential oil journey and I really want a friend to do it with me. Want to join me?
— Let’s do this together!
Hon, I think this might help you/kiddos/spouse with…[insert their challenge]. Let’s talk!
Here’s the thing…it’s not really a big deal…
Young Living is simply a referral-based business. If you want to start making a little money, all you need to do is tick the box that says you want to be a Brand Partner.
Then you can totally let your mom know…or your sister…or your BFF…or your coworker about these AMAZING PRODUCTS and receive THANK YOU CHECKS from Young Living!

Whether you share with 1 or 100, it doesn’t matter!
I helped two people get started — inadvertently — before I even received my kid — by posting how excited I was to get started on FB! I was literally 30 min into my YL journey!
If you happen to have JUST ordered your kit, why not get it paid for BEFORE YOU EVEN RECEIVE YOUR KIT! .
Here’s the thing, while the check is AMAZING, it’s really having company on the journey. You will LOVE having a BFF or two to share stories with, recipes, oils, ideas, you know where I am going!
AND to know you have HELPED people find THEIR Serendipitous Moment around these products…(We used to be called “Simply Serendipity” for a reason!)
I must admit, I am ever so grateful I shared these products with my parents (completely changed their wellness trajectory – even brought my dad to the oily life – no small feat!) and sister (who thought she would live with her challenges for the rest of her life). And Mel – literally changed Mel’s life around wellness, purpose and abundance… Enough said.
Now if only I could get my brother going…sigh…working on him!
IF you are thinking….
GACK! Can I REALLY share these oils with a friend?
Without knowing EVERYTHING there is to know about them?
Without having my OWN story?
Without really wanting necessarily to “do the business” (because I’m really not sure how I feel about it yet…)
Without even RECEIVING my kit yet?
Just a FEW of the concerns we hear from people ALL THE TIME!
(And, if I’m being truly honest…ahem…I had almost ALL of those myself! Ha!) (Just FYI Mel was ready for the biz – and a change in her career at that point – and totally interviewed ME before deciding to jump in.)
YES! You didn’t know everything before YOU jumped in! You were probably looking for an answer to one or two things…
Don’t wait…someone in your life is waiting for you to share.
Plus, we have FREE resources for you to share with anyone, too!
We created these resources for YOU to enjoy and for you to share with anyone who wants more info.
the wellness email
Enjoy a weekly, wellness tips email. Great for prospects and members!
Check out the archives, organized by category and sign up yourself.
the wellness podcast
Great for sharing info on certain topics with others.
Trimming the Midlife Waistline & Minimizing Belly Fat
Help for the challenges of (peri)menopause!
LINK: SimplyTWP.com/
Essential Oils;
Just the Basics
Learn “just the basics” about essential oils – why they work, how to use them, if purity matters, and more!
LINK: SimplyTWP.com/
Young Living has amazing products that can support your wellnes being in many ways.
We created this resource to help you begin to learn more about what could help you.