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Thieves Fruit and Veggie Soak/Spray
We all know that some farmers treat their crops with chemicals and pesticides. But, does anyone really know how bad the chemicals are? How can I ensure that my family is safe?
What to avoid: Roundup (specifically its main ingredient Glyphosate)
- A carcinogen (cancer causing) toxin
- Potential link to problems in pregnancy
- Long term effect: may leave individuals more likely to develop Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and obesity.
The scariest thing about Roundup is that we don’t definitively know the long term effects. Farmers only started using Roundup in the 1970s – enough time hasn’t passed for long term research to be conducted and we aren’t waiting.
Switch to Safer: Thieves Fruit and Veggie Soak
- No chemicals – you can now safely eat your produce!
- Uses 3 Young Living Essential Oils: Purification, DiGize (supports digestion), and Thieves (supports the immune system)
- It lasts forever! You only need one fluid ounce for every gallon of water. (Link here)
- Bonus: There is also a spray that is already diluted for you – you don’t even have to rinse the produce!
So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to switch to safer. It’s time to add Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak to your kitchen!
Ready to take the next step?
- Take our FREE E-course to learn how essential oils could JUST be the simple solution to your common concerns! Simple Solutions to 10 Common Concerns.
- Like our Facebook page. Simply Serendipity Central.
- Find out how to buy essential oils at wholesale, 24 % off retail prices!
- https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/thieves-fruit-veggie-soak-16oz
- http://www.newsweek.com/monsanto-week-killer-roundup-causes-cancer-california-629227
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/moms-exposed-to-monsanto-weed-killer-means-bad-outcomes_us_58e3f715e4b02ef7e0e6e172
- https://www.cornucopia.org/2014/03/gut-wrenching-new-studies-reveal-insidious-effects-glyphosate/