Lavender-Oatmeal Bath Soak
Oatmeal-Lavender Bath Soak Oh, yum! Just what you need for a little self-care this holiday season. 1 cup Epsom Salts1 cup quick oats1/2 cup baking soda10 drops Young Living Tea Tree Essential Oil15 drops Young Living Lavender Essential Oil Grind oats in a food...
The Magic of Lavender

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Essential Oils but were Afraid to Ask
Welcome to the world of essential oils! If you have never explored the oils, you are in for a treat. We will be sharing, well, all you ever wanted to know about essential oils but were afraid to ask! Essential oil use has absolutely exploded over the past few years....
All About Thieves

Enjoy the Rewards of Sharing Your Oils!
If it hasn’t happened yet…it will probably happen soon… Now we want to be very clear, you don’t ever, ever, ever have to “do the business”, BUT did you know there is another way to earn a little extra change without stepping into the business?...
Simple Solutions #8: Skin Care: Not worried about this one? You should be!
SIMPLE SOLUTIONS #8: SKIN CARE – NOT WORRIED ABOUT THIS ONE? YOU SHOULD BE! (Note: If you don’t yet know what Essential Oils are and why we in the world are singing their praises, go HERE.) (WISH LIST: Often people find THIS topic – SKIN CARE...
Bath Salts: What to do with your empty essential oil bottles
Tell me I’m not alone! What, oh what, do you do with all of those empty bottles? While this is not MY personal collection, I have one VERY similar! I just have...
Your Essential Oils Wish List
You need a Wish List. A list your can write all the things you want solutions for in your life AND the products you discover that just might be the solution for you. We don’t recommend doing everything right away. Pick a couple of areas to focus on and a couple...