
Rose oil, oh Rose oil, how do I love thee!

Young Living says that “Rose (Rosa damascena) has a beautiful, strong floral and sweet fragrance that is intoxicating and highly romantic. It helps bring balance and harmony with stimulating and uplifting properties that create a sense of well-being and self-confidence.”

Rose Oil has been used throughout history in the ancient art of aromatherapy for the well being of the body and mood-elevating support. Interestingly, because rose petals are not very high in oil content, it takes several thousand pounds of rose petals to produce just one ounce of this valuable oil, depending on the variety of plant used. Due to these factors, Rose Oil tends to be much more than most oils. However, its price shouldn’t keep it from being one of your most popular essential oils. Don’t be afraid to use this oil, instead of saving it for a rainy day.

(And the VIBRATION is HUGE! Read more about why that is important here.)

You’re worth every drop in that bottle!

This is what YL Diamond leaders have to say about YL Rose Essential Oil:

  1. Love in a bottle. You cannot have a bad day when wearing this oil. Makes my heart sing.
  2. Boosts self esteem, confidence, and mental strength when feeling sad.
  3. One drop of this oil and I’m like ahhhhhh…. Speaking of…gonna go dab that fancy oil on my wrists today…Not gonna lie…I kinda wish I’d bought more than just the one bottle!! Can’t WAIT for mine to come in!!! Who else is getting one?
  4. I applied it on myself as a perfume everyday & 3 months later I made Diamond? – personal testimonial (change your frequency change your life)
  5. My mom wore it one day and every child she was around kept smiling and reaching for her. She said it was crazy! Those frequencies attract others!
  6. Did you realize that you can use rose oil on your body without actually putting a drop directly on your body? Simply lie down and put the capped bottle ON you. Relax and let it stay there for as long as you wish. Your rose oil will last a long time that way Try it sometime. You can use this technique with any of our Young Living essential oils.
  7. Savvy beauty serum for the face, neck and hands: 1/2 oz sunflower seed oil, 3 drops frankincense, 2 drops myrrh, 1 drop rose
  8. It can be EXTREMELY hard to get rose out of the bottle (it gels up) so….. the best solution I have found is to put the bottle in my bra or a pocket and let it warm up for 5 minutes. True Story.
  9. Body heat warms it up and the oils becomes perfect liquid and I am LITERALLY on cloud 9 all day. The frequency of it is so powerful!
  10. I wear Abundance & Rose oil to smell like a million bucks.
  11. Love Rose! We use it in a roll-on blend (with Frankincense, Lavender and several others) on our immunocompromised 10-month-old micropreemie to support her body. She’s been healthy and incredibly well inside and out, every single day since leaving the NICU 6 months ago.
  12. Here are a couple of success stories I had in my documents: Just before going to bed, I like to put rose oil on the center of my forehead, over my heart, on my brain stem, and under my nose. This gives me the most restful sleep imaginable! When I wake up the next morning, I feel like I’ve been on vacation for weeks. I notice it when I don’t put it on.
  13. And another: When I’m out of sorts, I love to inhale rose oil. If you play your cards right, the bottle should last a whole year. Yep, I’m worth it!
  14. Rose +Abundance = Smell like a million bucks
  15. Terrific skin-supporting properties (hence it’s inclusion in Rose Ointment).
  16. When I feel non-present I love to open a bottle of Rose and breathe in the aroma. Life can resume now.
  17. Very high frequency…ORAC of 1,604,284! WOW!
  18. Emotional support. Big time. That’s my focus.
  19. Just imagine all the bouquets your husband bought you or should’ve bought you and the love that it represents times a hundred in one bottle. Every drop… is a touch of love.
  20. Brings peace and calm
  21. Great for sensitive skin
  22. Perfect oil to use when worrying about the past. It opens the heart and the mind.


How to Get Started with Essential Oils:


Laura Erdman-Luntz: My life’s purpose is to inspire people to live Laura Erdman-Luntztheir Extraordinary Lives, that life that is deeply fulfilling, full of purpose and vibrantly joyful for you!

Email me if you would like to join my team (Laura [at] muselan [dot] com).