I often receive compliments about my skin. While I know I owe a lot of that to genetics, I also know that it’s because I have invested in my skin, especially on my face; invested both time AND money. I created the habit of washing my face each morning and evening in high school, like most teenage girls do. I have not strayed from that habit.
It’s so important to remove the layers of makeup, dirt and dust that accumulate on our skin throughout the day. Yes, some nights I am so tired I just want to crawl into bed, but I’m always happy that I spent a few minutes to follow my nightly skin care regimen. That’s the time investment.
For at least a decade, even though money was tight, I have been using high quality, expensive skin care products. That’s the money investment. I figure I only have one face -I better take good care of it.
I have to admit that I was hesitant to try Young Living’s skin care line because I was happy with the brand I was already using (I actually sold the other brand of skin care). But since I earn 15% back in points on my Essential Rewards orders, I decided it made sense to give the ART collection a shot (that’s what we call a “replacement purchase” – it isn’t something new, just replacing something I used to buy).
Well, I was not disappointed. In fact, I was shocked that I loved the ART collection more than my other brand! The ART Gentle Cleanser, the ART Refreshing Toner, and the ART Light Moisturizer. They infuse these products with essential oils, making them that much more beneficial to my face! I see that as an amazing investment in time AND money!
Abby Bracke: I have always loved being an educator, both professionally as a school counselor and now as a guide into the world of using pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. I love hearing people say, “Thanks for introducing me to Young Living!”.