by the wellness place | Sep 14, 2015 | Monthly Challenge, Monthly Giveaway, Monthly Promotions
Here is the Periscope I did on the NEW oil from Young Living and the collection we are GIVING AWAY this month!
by the wellness place | Sep 12, 2015 | Resources
by the wellness place | Sep 7, 2015 | Manifesting Monday
Each year at convention, Gary Young, the founder of Young Living, releases a convention-theme oil and a protocol with oils to amplify the power of the new oil. This year’s new oil release is Light the Fire, a yummy cinnamon smelling oil that is intended to light...
by the wellness place | Sep 4, 2015 | DIY Recipes
If you’ve ever been to one of my education sessions you know I give everyone a chapstick just for showing up. If you’ve never been to one of my education sessions, what is wrong with you??! Just kidding! I get a lot of compliments on my chapstick and it’s because I...
by the wellness place | Sep 3, 2015 | #Thoughtful Thursday
Think about it. Really think about it. What would you do? And whatever it is, what if you actually succeeded? Does the thought make you smile? Maybe take your breath away…? =>Maybe it’s time for that small first step …...
by the wellness place | Sep 1, 2015 | Monthly Challenge
Remember that moment when you realized just how much the oils were helping you? It might have been one particular, dramatic, experience the oils helped you feel calmer, helped you sleep more soundly or helped release that knot in your neck that had been plaguing you....
by the wellness place | Aug 31, 2015 | Manifesting Monday
When we say, “There’s an oil for that!”, we really mean it! These gems from nature effect us in so many ways, physically, mentally, emotionally. They can also effect us energetically, helping us shift into a higher, more attractive, vibration....
by the wellness place | Aug 30, 2015 | Back to School, DIY Recipes, Recipes
One of the best ways to get the most out of your school day (or work day!) is to get plenty of rest the night before. And with the first day of school jitters that is often much easier said than done. Of course, a regular night-time routine is helpful. Here are a few...
by the wellness place | Aug 29, 2015 | Back to School, DIY Recipes, Recipes
There are two ways to use oils to help with studying: The first is to help you get the most out of your brain! The second is to help you use your sense of smell to help with recall. Let’s look at the first one first and get the most out of your brain!...
by the wellness place | Aug 28, 2015 | Back to School, DIY Recipes, Recipes
Focus and energy, anyone? Frankly we could ALL use a dose of this every once in a while! (Or…ahem…daily!) Here are a few of our favorite ways to keep our energy and focus up: Ningxia Red: We have already discussed this one here! Ningxia Nitro: NingXia Nitro™ combines...