Product Feature: Peace & Calming Essential Oils
Let’s face it, life can be a whirlwind of activity! I’m sure we’ve all experienced that feeling of being pulled in multiple directions all at one time, our heads swirling and wondering how to keep up! Although it is tempting to just go-go-go, it is important to find...
Moxie Me Giveaway: Week 3
Moxie Me Challenge Continues! Week 3 What act self-care will you commit to doing this week?
#DIYFriday: Young Living Lemon Cookie Recipe
Lemon Sugar Cookies Recipe Got this off of Young Living’s Site (Makes approximately 2 dozen cookies) • 1 ½ cup Einkorn Pancake and Waffle Mix • ¼ tsp baking soda • ½ tsp baking powder • ½ cup butter (may substitute coconut oil) • ¾ cup *raw cane juice crystals •...
Just for today . . . believe. (Then do it again tomorrow.)

Letting go is simply saying yes to something else.

What do you really, really, really want?

Cleaner Cleaning with Thieves Household Cleaner with Melissa J.
I’ve always been very sensitive to scents and synthetics. I’m allergic to many different soaps and cleansers and I have to be very careful about what touches my skin. I am vigilant about using rubber gloves for cleaning and I rarely try new products...
What residual are you leaving today?