Switch to Safer #3: Produce Cleaners

Switch to Safer #3: Produce Cleaners

Enjoy the entire Switch to Safer series! Click here! Thieves Fruit and Veggie Soak/Spray We all know that some farmers treat their crops with chemicals and pesticides.  But, does anyone really know how bad the chemicals are?  How can I ensure that my family is safe?...


Gratitude. It’s such a simple thing, but I love walking on my land. Even walking down the driveway. (To paint the picture: gravel driveway through trees, an eighth of a mile long.) I feel so grateful for where I live and the plethora of wildlife that come to...
#DIY: Tracy’s Lip Balm

#DIY: Tracy’s Lip Balm

If you’ve ever been to one of my education sessions you know I give everyone a chapstick just for showing up. If you’ve never been to one of my education sessions, what is wrong with you??!  Just kidding!  I get a lot of compliments on my chapstick and it’s because I...